
Boussole Wellness

Let’s navigate the journey from burnout to blissful balance together!

Learn how I turned exhaustion into empowerment, and am now living a life full of energy and love.

Mother and child reading a book under a tent set up indoors

This One Question Will Change How You Think About Motherhood

May 15, 20245 min read

Hey moms, how are you doing? 

Still on a Mother’s Day high, or has life already returned to doing ALL. THE. THINGS.?

Sunday (hopefully) was a bit of a respite—with your partner and/or children treating you to breakfast in bed, taking you out for lunch or dinner, or bringing you flowers or a handmade gift. Maybe they tidied up the house a bit or helped with the yard work. 

And on Monday everything returned to normal. 

A never-ending to-do list of chores, errands, and other odd jobs that end up on your plate.

No time for you to rest, relax, workout, or practise anything related to self-care. 

So I have to ask…

Are you pouring from an empty cup?

And if you’re not sure, I want you to check in with yourself. 

Really check in with yourself. 

How have you been feeling lately?

Are you tired of working hard to get everything done and still coming up short?

Are you tempted to toss your to-do lists in the trash?

Is it challenging to find even 5 minutes of ‘me time’ in the calendar?

Be honest with yourself (nobody else needs to know):

How would you describe yourself right now?

Are you…

Stressed out?



If the answer is YES, consider this a sign that it’s time to STOP and re-assess. 

How do you want to feel? 

When was the last time you felt that way?

It’s time you felt that way now. 

Here’s how:

Learn How to Close Your Stress Response Cycle

If you’re always in a state of constant stress, your body isn’t able to close the cycle. When you don’t complete the stress response cycle you start feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, exhausted, and burned out. 

The #1 way to close the stress response cycle is to be physically active. By getting your heart rate up for 30 minutes, you clear out the stress hormones and return your body to equilibrium.

There are six other science-backed ways to close the stress response cycle as well: deep breathing, positive social interactions, laughter, affection, crying, and creative expression. 

Find whatever works for you and fits into your schedule. It is important to close the cycle regularly (read: daily), so start making it a priority today.  

Learn How to Relax

Many women have a hard time relaxing. I mean, let’s be real, how can you relax when you’re busy thinking about all the things that need to be done? But…

Learning to relax (and doing it regularly) is necessary to close that stress cycle and prevent burnout. 

What works for your sister, best friend, or work wife may not work for you, so give yourself permission to experiment with different techniques. Try to keep an open mind as you might be surprised by what works for you. I never thought I’d meditate regularly, but now I notice when I don’t I’m definitely more on edge. Get curious and be open-minded- you might surprise yourself!

Get the Sleep You Need 

60% of women don’t get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Are you one of them? Sleep should be one of your top priorities as lack of sleep has a significant impact on women’s mental and physical health, personal lives, and professional work. 

Get my best strategies (don’t worry, they’re simple!) to get the sleep you need here.

Get the Movement You Need

Moving your body does more than close the stress response—there is a long list of benefits, including strengthening your heart, supporting a healthy weight, increasing energy levels, and boosting your mood.

Yet only 38% of women get the recommended 150 minutes of movement per week.  

Need help making it happen? Use my MME Method, which I break down for you in this post.

Start asking yourself:

“What kind of mom do I want my kids to remember?”

This one question can totally transform how you think about being a mom, how you show up for your kids, and the example you’re setting for them.

So think about it seriously and think about it often. 

How do you want your kids to remember you?

If you want them to remember a happy, healthy mom who plays with them, keeps up with them, and has time for them, you’re on the right path! You’ve taken the first steps toward being that mom by taking an interest in your own wellness and what you can do to improve it. 

The next question to ask yourself is: 

“What do I need to be healthier and happier?” 

Is it help with chores around the house? Is it getting 30 minutes of ‘me time’ every day or every other day? Is it going to see your family doctor? Is it learning to say no the next time someone asks you to do something? 

How can you take steps to make whatever you need happen? Break it down if you can, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. 

Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. 

If your cup is empty, you don’t have anything left to give to the people who matter most—your children. 

It’s time to make yourself a priority, which is exactly what Burnout to Bliss is designed to help you do.

Over 12 weeks, you’ll learn relaxation techniques and self-care practices that work for you, your personality, and your lifestyle. You’ll leave stress, exhaustion, and overwhelm behind becoming a healthier, happier, more blissful You. And a happier, healthier mom to your kids.

Let’s get started!

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Mother and child reading a book under a tent set up indoors

This One Question Will Change How You Think About Motherhood

May 15, 20245 min read

Hey moms, how are you doing? 

Still on a Mother’s Day high, or has life already returned to doing ALL. THE. THINGS.?

Sunday (hopefully) was a bit of a respite—with your partner and/or children treating you to breakfast in bed, taking you out for lunch or dinner, or bringing you flowers or a handmade gift. Maybe they tidied up the house a bit or helped with the yard work. 

And on Monday everything returned to normal. 

A never-ending to-do list of chores, errands, and other odd jobs that end up on your plate.

No time for you to rest, relax, workout, or practise anything related to self-care. 

So I have to ask…

Are you pouring from an empty cup?

And if you’re not sure, I want you to check in with yourself. 

Really check in with yourself. 

How have you been feeling lately?

Are you tired of working hard to get everything done and still coming up short?

Are you tempted to toss your to-do lists in the trash?

Is it challenging to find even 5 minutes of ‘me time’ in the calendar?

Be honest with yourself (nobody else needs to know):

How would you describe yourself right now?

Are you…

Stressed out?



If the answer is YES, consider this a sign that it’s time to STOP and re-assess. 

How do you want to feel? 

When was the last time you felt that way?

It’s time you felt that way now. 

Here’s how:

Learn How to Close Your Stress Response Cycle

If you’re always in a state of constant stress, your body isn’t able to close the cycle. When you don’t complete the stress response cycle you start feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, exhausted, and burned out. 

The #1 way to close the stress response cycle is to be physically active. By getting your heart rate up for 30 minutes, you clear out the stress hormones and return your body to equilibrium.

There are six other science-backed ways to close the stress response cycle as well: deep breathing, positive social interactions, laughter, affection, crying, and creative expression. 

Find whatever works for you and fits into your schedule. It is important to close the cycle regularly (read: daily), so start making it a priority today.  

Learn How to Relax

Many women have a hard time relaxing. I mean, let’s be real, how can you relax when you’re busy thinking about all the things that need to be done? But…

Learning to relax (and doing it regularly) is necessary to close that stress cycle and prevent burnout. 

What works for your sister, best friend, or work wife may not work for you, so give yourself permission to experiment with different techniques. Try to keep an open mind as you might be surprised by what works for you. I never thought I’d meditate regularly, but now I notice when I don’t I’m definitely more on edge. Get curious and be open-minded- you might surprise yourself!

Get the Sleep You Need 

60% of women don’t get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Are you one of them? Sleep should be one of your top priorities as lack of sleep has a significant impact on women’s mental and physical health, personal lives, and professional work. 

Get my best strategies (don’t worry, they’re simple!) to get the sleep you need here.

Get the Movement You Need

Moving your body does more than close the stress response—there is a long list of benefits, including strengthening your heart, supporting a healthy weight, increasing energy levels, and boosting your mood.

Yet only 38% of women get the recommended 150 minutes of movement per week.  

Need help making it happen? Use my MME Method, which I break down for you in this post.

Start asking yourself:

“What kind of mom do I want my kids to remember?”

This one question can totally transform how you think about being a mom, how you show up for your kids, and the example you’re setting for them.

So think about it seriously and think about it often. 

How do you want your kids to remember you?

If you want them to remember a happy, healthy mom who plays with them, keeps up with them, and has time for them, you’re on the right path! You’ve taken the first steps toward being that mom by taking an interest in your own wellness and what you can do to improve it. 

The next question to ask yourself is: 

“What do I need to be healthier and happier?” 

Is it help with chores around the house? Is it getting 30 minutes of ‘me time’ every day or every other day? Is it going to see your family doctor? Is it learning to say no the next time someone asks you to do something? 

How can you take steps to make whatever you need happen? Break it down if you can, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. 

Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. 

If your cup is empty, you don’t have anything left to give to the people who matter most—your children. 

It’s time to make yourself a priority, which is exactly what Burnout to Bliss is designed to help you do.

Over 12 weeks, you’ll learn relaxation techniques and self-care practices that work for you, your personality, and your lifestyle. You’ll leave stress, exhaustion, and overwhelm behind becoming a healthier, happier, more blissful You. And a happier, healthier mom to your kids.

Let’s get started!

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“Keep good company, read good books, love good things, and cultivate soul and body as faithfully as you can.”

~ Louisa May Alcott

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