
Boussole Wellness

Let’s navigate the journey from burnout to blissful balance together!

Learn how I turned exhaustion into empowerment, and am now living a life full of energy and love.

Make This Fall Your Season of Ease

Make This Fall Your Season of Ease

There is ONE habit that makes all other self-care habits fall naturally into place. It is the key to your healthy habit foundation for living your best life. ...more


October 04, 20245 min read

Stop Feeling Guilty: You Need Your Rest

Stop Feeling Guilty: You Need Your Rest

Don’t wait for a health scare to recognize the importance of REST. Women need to allow themselves to prioritize rest & make it part of their self-care routine. ...more


August 07, 20246 min read

Take a Break from Tech: Why Unplugging for a Tech-Free Holiday is Just What You Need

Take a Break from Tech: Why Unplugging for a Tech-Free Holiday is Just What You Need

Discover how unplugging from technology can help you better connect with your family and why scrolling on your phone is keeping you from the life you want. ...more


July 24, 20247 min read

How Nearly Drowning Became the Catalyst for Self-Love

How Nearly Drowning Became the Catalyst for Self-Love

Discover how a near-death experience helped one woman learn to love herself and explore 5 practices to cultivate more self-love. ...more


July 10, 20248 min read

Mastering Your Mindset

Mastering Your Mindset

Discover how to master your mindset by changing your brain’s filter and why this shift is vital if you want to overcome burnout & live a life you love. ...more


June 26, 20247 min read

Let's Get Outside!

Let's Get Outside!

Discover why spending time in nature is essential for our brains & gets our happiness chemicals flowing. Plus, learn a simple hack to help make habits stick! ...more


June 12, 20246 min read

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Make This Fall Your Season of Ease

There is ONE habit that makes all other self-care habits fall naturally into place. It is the key to your healthy habit foundation for living your best life. ...more


October 04, 20245 min read

Make This Fall Your Season of Ease

Stop Feeling Guilty: You Need Your Rest

Don’t wait for a health scare to recognize the importance of REST. Women need to allow themselves to prioritize rest & make it part of their self-care routine. ...more


August 07, 20246 min read

Stop Feeling Guilty: You Need Your Rest

Take a Break from Tech: Why Unplugging for a Tech-Free Holiday is Just What You Need

Discover how unplugging from technology can help you better connect with your family and why scrolling on your phone is keeping you from the life you want. ...more


July 24, 20247 min read

Take a Break from Tech: Why Unplugging for a Tech-Free Holiday is Just What You Need

How Nearly Drowning Became the Catalyst for Self-Love

Discover how a near-death experience helped one woman learn to love herself and explore 5 practices to cultivate more self-love. ...more


July 10, 20248 min read

How Nearly Drowning Became the Catalyst for Self-Love

Mastering Your Mindset

Discover how to master your mindset by changing your brain’s filter and why this shift is vital if you want to overcome burnout & live a life you love. ...more


June 26, 20247 min read

Mastering Your Mindset

Let's Get Outside!

Discover why spending time in nature is essential for our brains & gets our happiness chemicals flowing. Plus, learn a simple hack to help make habits stick! ...more


June 12, 20246 min read

Let's Get Outside!
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Wellness 360™ Wheel

What is Wellness 360™?

Finding Balance with our Wellness.

Our wellness depends on many different aspects of our lives. Have you ever noticed how when things are going really great in your life with your relationships or...

magazine, coffee, and blanket


I burnt out as a teacher. Numerous times. My doctor recently told me he had never seen someone work as hard and as much as me, and I thought he must not have many patients who are teachers, because...

veggie pizza

My Journey to Optimum Nutrition

It took me a long time to figure out my nutrition. As a teenager who was unhappy with her body, I started experimenting with restricting fat from my diet as young as 14. That quickly moved to...

Creating Balance Leads to Greater Health & Happiness

Creating balance is a widely used catch phrase these days for having a picturesque perfect life with all corners of it working well. This image may not be exactly what we are striving for. Most people seek balance...

Eating to Boost Your Mood

As someone who has struggled with her mental health, I have long been interested in how food and mood are connected. Were there foods that could help boost my mood naturally?Could I make...

Too Busy? Four Steps to a More Fulfilling Life

Being busy can be healthy, but being “too busy” is not healthy. Being active and engaged and inspired, yes that’s healthy. Being drained, overwhelmed, and stressed out is not. It’s a fine line and...

What’s Your Why?

Contrary to popular thought, there’s no one way to achieve health. While every expert has an opinion and every internet search tells us something new, the perfect recipe for health cannot be defined...

Healthy Eating On-the-Go

If you're like most people, you're busy. And when you're busy, food can be fast, too. So how do you eat healthy while living a busy lifestyle? It all comes down to understanding your options...

Finding Fitness You Love

Have you ever noticed that when you love to do something, you don’t spend time trying to figure out how you’re going to fit it into your schedule? Harvey MacKay, entrepreneur...

“Keep good company, read good books, love good things, and cultivate soul and body as faithfully as you can.”

~ Louisa May Alcott

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