Burnt out.




Utterly exhausted.

Burnt out.




Utterly exhausted.

I just want you to know, I get it.

I’ve been right where you are. Carrying that heavy load, being emotionally drained, mentally exhausted, and struggling to find motivation.

I’ve walked in those same shoes, experiencing the emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion that comes from doing too much.

The unrelenting to-do lists, the never-ending commitments, and the looming deadlines — they can be all-consuming.

But...here’s the thing:

There is a path forward

and I’m here to help you find it.

During my 18-year teaching career, I burnt out several times.

In hindsight, it’s clear that burnout was inevitable.

Going in early, staying late, volunteering for all of the committees/clubs/teams, giving up evenings and weekends, to plan, prep, and assess…

You can only do that for so long before your body and your mind scream


Looking back it was obvious, but I didn’t heed the warnings…

December 18, 2006, was my first wake-up call. After a long day at school preparing for Christmas activities, I stopped by the grocery store and a gift shop for our staff’s Secret Santa.

In a hurry — I didn’t take the time to put on my seatbelt.

I was T-boned at an intersection and found unconscious at the scene.

I was at fault for the accident, but I have no recollection of how it happened.

I should have...

Heeded the warning.

Taken more time off to recuperate.

Stopped and asked myself ‘Why did this happen?’

I should have.

But I didn’t take the time.

Now I recognize that the accident was a clear signal to reassess and prioritize my health, both physical and mental.

At the time, however, I refused to acknowledge the need for significant change, and I dove right back in. Working evenings and weekends, and doing all the things — Just. Like. Before.

It took several more wake-up calls (and many more years) to realize that I needed to break free from this self-destructive cycle.

As someone who regrets wasting so much time,
I’m dedicated to ensuring you don’t need to undergo years of distress before seeking change.

I’m here to help women who, like me, feel trapped in the burnout cycle, but are ready to take a big leap and make a change. As your guide, I’ll help you break free from the cycle, and find your JOY, all while prioritizing your wellbeing.

Let’s work together to carve a new path that defines success on your terms, and brings you the balance and fulfillment you rightfully deserve.

I invite you to join me in Burnout to Bliss where together we’ll find your path to happiness and fulfillment without sacrificing your health and wellbeing.

my signature 12-week holistic wellness program that will guide you through (and beyond!) the challenges of burnout.

my signature 12-week holistic wellness

program that will guide you through

(and beyond!) the challenges of burnout.

During the program, you’ll develop an understanding of the factors that led to your burnout and cultivate the skills to handle them.

You’ll create and implement your personalized self-care plan and instill healthy habits (that stick!) to support your wellbeing and prevent burnout from reoccurring.

Together, we’ll work through three phases as you
shift from overwhelmed, exhausted, and stressed out to balanced, purposeful, and blissed out.

Phase I: Awareness and Assessment

  • We’ll begin our Burnout to Bliss journey by setting a strong foundation for lifelong health and happiness

  • Gain an understanding of the factors contributing to your burnout and learn the skills to handle them so you can prevent future burnout

  • Establish a baseline and pinpoint your specific stressors with the Perceived Stress Scale and Burnout Assessment Tool

  • We'll tailor the program to your individual needs

  • Develop an empowering system for setting (and hitting!) your wellness goals

  • Say au revoir to stress as you make relaxation a part of your day

Phase II: Recovery and Renewal

  • Restore your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing by focusing on your self-care

  • Learn about six non-negotiable self-care practices that we will individually tailor to your needs and preferences

  • Create a personalized self-care plan that will align with your personality and lifestyle

  • Continue to practice and hone relaxation techniques as you begin to identify which ones work better for you

Phase III: Healthy Habit Formation

  • Discover how to unlock the power of habits with a proven simple four-step process

  • Gain awareness of your current habits (the good and the bad) and learn how to change them

  • Start building new habits with implementation intentions

  • And finally know the secret to making healthy habits stick!

Isn’t it time you stop waiting for another wake-up call before you start living the life you know you’re meant for?

Isn’t it time you stop waiting for another wake-up call before you start living the life you know you’re meant for?

Join me on a transformative wellness journey from

Burnout to Bliss!

What you get inside Burnout to Bliss

✓ Three empowering one-on-one coaching sessions

✓ Replays of each coaching session

✓ Two Burnout Self-Assessment Tools

✓ Transformational Journal Prompts

✓ Weekly Check-Ins for accountability

✓ Evidence-based practices to live your best life

✓ Video lessons that you can watch (and rewatch)

✓ Personalized self-care plan

✓ And so much more!

Your Investment

A one time payment of $1777 today

$677/month for three months

A final note...

I want you to know that you are not alone.

You’re not the only one who feels stuck in her career, chained to the golden handcuffs, the financial security, and the safety of having a ‘real’ job.

While it may seem impossible right now, there is another way.

There is a way out. (I promise.)

You don’t have to stay stuck feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, overloaded, anxious, and stressed out.

The other way starts with you making the decision to put yourself first.

You are worthy of investing in yourself.

You deserve to…

Believe in yourself,

Love yourself,


Live a life you love!

So make the decision and be open to the possibility of something greater.

Because gorgeous, it’s time for you to feel balanced and fulfilled —

And to live a life of bliss.

See you inside.

A final note...

I want you to know that you are not alone.

You’re not the only one who feels stuck in her career, chained to the golden handcuffs, the financial security, and the safety of having a ‘real’ job.

While it may seem impossible right now, there is another way.

There is a way out. (I promise.)

You don’t have to stay stuck feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, overloaded, anxious, and stressed out.

The other way starts with you making the decision to put yourself first.

You are worthy of investing in yourself.

You deserve to…

Believe in yourself,

Love yourself,


Live a life you love!

So make the decision and be open to the possibility of something greater.

Because gorgeous, it’s time for you to feel balanced and fulfilled —

And to live a life of bliss.

See you inside.

© Copyright 2024 Boussole Wellness Coaching | Helping burned out women find more balance and feel more fulfilled!