
Boussole Wellness

Let’s navigate the journey from burnout to blissful balance together!

Learn how I turned exhaustion into empowerment, and am now living a life full of energy and love.

Girl in superhero costume and pose looking out, with Be Her Now on left side

Be Her Now

April 24, 20242 min read

Want to be the leading lady in your own life? 

The heroine of your own story? 

Start acting like her now. 

That’s the secret sauce: You must start acting like her before you’re ready to be her. 

You want to be more confident? Act more confidently. 

You want to be more courageous? Act more courageously (maybe by taking a small step or two out of your comfort zone…)

So ask yourself, 

Who is she, this leading lady? 

How does the heroine of your life story act?

What are her biggest dreams, her highest aspirations?

What does a perfect day look like, sound like, feel like for her? 

Who does she spend her time with?

What activities is she doing?

What adventures does she go on?

It is a worthwhile exercise to figure out the answers to the above questions.

Block time in your calendar, treat yourself to a fresh journal and a new pen, pour yourself a cup of your favourite beverage, and start writing. 

Start discovering. 

Start figuring it out. 

Because you are the ONLY one who has any power, any influence, any control over who she is. 


Not your partner.

Not your parents.

Not your children. 

It’s up to YOU. 

So who do you want to be?

Once you figure out who she is, start taking steps to become her. 

What does she feel? Is she happy, confident, self-assured, brave, ambitious, determined? How would you describe her to others?

What kind of woman is she? What kind of daughter/partner/mother/friend? Is she kind, loving, encouraging, supportive, patient? How would others describe her to you?

How does she show up for others? How does she act out in the world? 

What makes her heart happy? What makes her spirit soar?

The more you figure out who she is, what she feels, and how she acts, the more clarity you will have to become her. 

You want to change your life? It starts with you. 

You can start by taking small steps. What is one thing you could do today that would move you closer to becoming the she you were meant to be? Do it, then tomorrow do another thing. 

These small steps will have a snowball effect as they will gradually build on each other as you embrace the role of leading lady in your own life. 

So who do you want to be? Get clear on that first then take steps to become her. 

You are her. She is you. 

Go be the heroine of your own story.

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Girl in superhero costume and pose looking out, with Be Her Now on left side

Be Her Now

April 24, 20242 min read

Want to be the leading lady in your own life? 

The heroine of your own story? 

Start acting like her now. 

That’s the secret sauce: You must start acting like her before you’re ready to be her. 

You want to be more confident? Act more confidently. 

You want to be more courageous? Act more courageously (maybe by taking a small step or two out of your comfort zone…)

So ask yourself, 

Who is she, this leading lady? 

How does the heroine of your life story act?

What are her biggest dreams, her highest aspirations?

What does a perfect day look like, sound like, feel like for her? 

Who does she spend her time with?

What activities is she doing?

What adventures does she go on?

It is a worthwhile exercise to figure out the answers to the above questions.

Block time in your calendar, treat yourself to a fresh journal and a new pen, pour yourself a cup of your favourite beverage, and start writing. 

Start discovering. 

Start figuring it out. 

Because you are the ONLY one who has any power, any influence, any control over who she is. 


Not your partner.

Not your parents.

Not your children. 

It’s up to YOU. 

So who do you want to be?

Once you figure out who she is, start taking steps to become her. 

What does she feel? Is she happy, confident, self-assured, brave, ambitious, determined? How would you describe her to others?

What kind of woman is she? What kind of daughter/partner/mother/friend? Is she kind, loving, encouraging, supportive, patient? How would others describe her to you?

How does she show up for others? How does she act out in the world? 

What makes her heart happy? What makes her spirit soar?

The more you figure out who she is, what she feels, and how she acts, the more clarity you will have to become her. 

You want to change your life? It starts with you. 

You can start by taking small steps. What is one thing you could do today that would move you closer to becoming the she you were meant to be? Do it, then tomorrow do another thing. 

These small steps will have a snowball effect as they will gradually build on each other as you embrace the role of leading lady in your own life. 

So who do you want to be? Get clear on that first then take steps to become her. 

You are her. She is you. 

Go be the heroine of your own story.

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“Keep good company, read good books, love good things, and cultivate soul and body as faithfully as you can.”

~ Louisa May Alcott

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